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What we do & how we can help…


Given our decades of hands-on experience in managing large Food Processing and Packaging Equipment manufacturing companies, we can provide assistance in the following (main) areas:


Financial & Operational Excellence

Financial & Operational Excellence


After running a company for a while, you might start thinking that all growth avenues have already been explored and exploited. However, by engaging us as neutral third-party experts, you might find quite quickly that other paths and opportunities for improvements still exist. 


Areas we can help you investigate and evaluate include:


Top-Line Opportunities:

  • Product additions or reductions/eliminations

    • Is your product portfolio right for your skillset and the market you serve?

  • Service revenue growth

    • Are you reactive or proactive?

  • New market segments – geographic or business area

  • Cooperation with other OEMs on complete line offering and distribution

  • Distribution agreements with overseas OEMs  


Sustainable Bottom-Line Improvements:

  • Evaluation and review of current state

  • Pricing, discounting, and payment opportunities

  • Operational review, including decisions related to outsourcing/insourcing

  • Culture and engagement, including training and HR participation

  • Inventory review

  • Purchasing and vendor optimizations

  • ERP and MRP discussions


Service Offering:

  • Service quality review, including identifying shortfalls

  • Sustainable and ongoing service profitability and revenue growth 

  • Increasing Net Promoter Score (NPS) through service support


Distribution & Marketing:

  • Review of sales channels (direct and/or indirect)

  • Sales management, including pricing/discounting autonomy and risk management

  • Marketing tools and avenue selection

  • Marketing spend optimization

  • Brand-building efforts


Team Building, Coaching & HR Support:

  • Building the team through a distinct process

  • Effective Recruiting

  • Coaching of key talent 

  • Development and management of incentive programs

Merger & Acquisition Support


Whether you are in the process of merging with or looking to acquire another company, early decisions and steps taken before you even start that process can have a massive impact on the outcome and determine your likelihood of success.


To guide you around these potential pitfalls, we can – in cooperation with your team – provide the high level review, analysis, and discussion support that will help you move effectively towards a conclusion of the opportunity.


As part of this process, we engage in the following areas:

  • Strategic fit analysis

  • Preparation of the organization for upcoming changes

  • Coordination of the acquisition/merging team

  • Preparation of stakeholder presentations

  • Due diligence guidance

  • Financial impact analysis

Merger & Acquisition Support

Change In Ownership / Selling The Company


How you prepare your business for change in ownership depends a lot on the type of buyer you are pursuing:

  • Company in the same industry

  • EC or VC

  • Family member(s)

  • Employees in company


Each has different motivators and goals for your company post buying it. It is important that your sales efforts reflect those differences.
Other important factors that must be considered include:

  • The role of current management once the transaction is completed

  • Timing of the process initiation

To prepare your business for a successful transition, we can help with:

  • Getting the P&L and Balance sheet ready

  • Determining what needs to be done/cleaned up prior to the offering
  • Structuring the Business Presentation, including review of drafts and dry runs

  • Selection of Legal and Business Advisors

Contract Formulation, Negotiation & Conflict Management


Avoiding contract pitfalls that can block sales negotiations and potentially cause irreparable harm to the business, is a skill that usually requires "outside-in" review. Your own team is often too close to the action to be able to comprehensively identify areas of future potential conflict or non-performance, and there is no replacement for handling these issues before an important order, a Master Agreement, or a supply contract is accepted. 


If already in motion, the way a conflict is handled can fully determine the outcome, both in terms of financial costs and potential losses of customers and/or reputation, especially early on. 


With our expertise and extensive experience, we can not only advise you throughout this process, to help minimize the impact on your business (and even you, personally), but we can also act as an Expert Witness if the case is already in litigation.

Change In Ownership / Selling The Company
Contract Formulation, Negotiation & Conflict Management

Specialized Services


As a result of our vast experience in the Food Processing and Packaging segment, we have accumulated extensive specialized knowledge in a number of areas:


  • Large Construction Projects – From site selection, selection of Architect, GC, and main Contractors – as well as securing the best incentive package offered by Counties and States – we can guide you through the process.​


  • Startup Guidance – If you are starting a new business venture, we can help you and your team through the “dos and don'ts” during the first critical years. 


  • Team Building – Taking the necessary steps is critical to attracting and retaining the best talent.

    • Retention and development of key staff members

    • Effective recruitment - internal and external - for high impact positions

    • Coaching of key staff

    • Planning and management of incentive programs

Food Safety Consulting for CPGs


Having been involved with Food Product Inspection for two decades, we have significant expertise in all areas of physical inspection, including control of:

  • Foreign materials

  • Weight

  • Allergens

  • Mislabeling

  • Package integrity​

Specialized Services
Food Safety Consulting for CPG
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